Monday, May 19, 2008

MORE & MORE Pictures!

Here is installment to of the picture extravaganza weekend!!!!!!! After we dropped off Allie's friend from the baseball tournament on Saturday, but prior to her other friend's party that night, we stopped at my parents for one last gift from them... as if they did not get her ENOUGH. Enough is NOT a word in their vocabulary!

Daddy and Mo
Mommy and Al
My Peeps
Mario is in a phase where it takes him a bit to warm up to people other than us... he cries a bit, which is a good thing, I suppose since it means he is attached to us way more than when he first came to us... here he is on my dad's lap after a bawling fit...
But see, my Daddy is one smart fella who come equip with a secret weapon...
"Oh, Pappy, you so sneaky!!!"
"How did you know I liked these things... I am so addicted to their melty goodness."
"What do you mean YOU don't think that they are awesome - you should try them!"
"Oh, I am not interested in SHARING MINE!"
"Oh, Sissy, you make me laugh!"
"I just love ya, Pappy. You are the BEST! My Sissy tells me ALL of the time!"

"YAAAAYYYY! It is your Birthday Sissy!"

Allie with her beautiful bracelet... my mom and dad always got me a piece of jewelry to mark occasions... not a bad deal, huh?

Allie and her BFF, Nanny
Mario LOVES Nanny

Pap and his grandkiddos

Allie even came home to a special delivery from her Aunt Jenny and Uncle D all the way from Indy... roses for their special girl. She thinks that they are so cool... young, beautiful, what is not to love??? She just thought that it was great to get flowers delivered to HER! Thanks, guys!

She of course, got gift cards (thank goodness, so the girl can shop!) from Uncle Jack, Aunt Vicki and the cousins... and special jewelry and MORE $$$ to shop from Gummie and Aunt Sandy and Uncle Dan... Can you say SPOILED???? Thank you ALL for EVERYTHING you have done for my girl to make her feel so special!

Well, off to check on Jeff's parents. They are here working in the yard again. They just love it! Allie will have yet ANOTHER b-day with them today!

Our driveway is finished - it is BEAUTIFUL and AWESOME and WONDERFUL... no more gravel, no more MUD, no more sliding to our death in the winter! YEAH!!!! I will post more later! Have a great week... enjoy your sunshine... it is 40-50 degrees here!!!! IN MAY!


Cherrie said...

Ok tell Pappy Jack that he stole my plan. Aunt Cherrie has special puffs in my car just waiting to see my little buddy again!!

By the way...isn't it Principal Dork in the picture...LOL. You are hilarious, just what I needed tonight. I had the day from you know where!!


PS... Is Nanny looking to acquire any more girls...I could be bought...hehehe

jajbs said...

Okay, could your little man get any more cute???? He is growing up so much! Allie is beautiful! Thanks for the sweet comments you leave on my blog... they mean so much to me!!!
