I have been tagged by my fab NJ friend, Holls who is the mother to the tall-cool-sally-GIA and heartbreaking-thumb- sucking-NINO! Go visit her for her beautiful bows, but stay for the laughs!
10 years ago, it was the end of June of 1998...
I had JUST finished
Slippery Rock University (click here: it does exist!)
I was the mother of a 3 year old (Allison Michale) and engaged to Jeff... I was seeking out teaching jobs and going on HORRIBLE dreaded teaching interviews which S-UUUUUUck. I think that I had JUST been hired at one school district only to quit (to take another teaching job) prior to stepping foot into the classroom! I was young, in love, head in the clouds on lots of things and MUCH MUCH thinner - yet still thought that I was chubby!

5 things on today's to do list: Today has been a bit NUTTY. Here has been my day so far, and it is only 2 in the afternoon:
1. woke up and fed Mario
2. called beloved shih tzu's vet to report doggie seizure... STILL waiting to have them call back by the way....I hate our vet.
3. called mom/dad to check on them
4. called BFF Jenn to check on her since she had surgery
5. showered/woke Alli to shower and feed her breakfast
6. called pediatrician to make appt for today as Alli is covered in poison ivy... I MEAN ugly oozie poison ivy on her face, in her ear, etc.
7. ran dishwasher while both Alli and I got ready for the doc appt and 10:45 only to have a near fire from some plastic substance that burned inside
8. called hubby to have him come home to determine IF we should call fire department since I really did not have TIME for a fire today - I did have that pediatrician appt to get to, ya know? He stayed with dog to work on plastic removal and fire monitoring
9. went to ped to get script for steroids for Al's ever-spreading ivy
10. dropped off Al at home to rest while Mario and I went to pick up my mom to take her to PT for 1.
11. dropped off mom at PT, dropped off script at pharmacy to be filled, came home to put Mario for nap
I am currently on my way back out to pick up filled script and mom at PT. Alli has a softball playoff game tonight that may/may not be cancelled due to monsoon like rains we have been getting here.
Snacks I enjoy are: seriously, anyone who knows anything about me KNOWS that I am a snacker... hence the weight gain - there are not many snacks I DON'T like. This girl loves her some snacks (the only thing I really Don't like is hard, gummy, sour candy stuff - like licorice or gummy bears or jelly beans)
Things I would do if I were a millionaire are: build a super-de-dooper handicapped accessible house for my parents and my family to live together in, donate to several charities (I would start with the G.O.T. (check it out in an upcoming post!), pay off bills, hire a cleaning lady and keeper of grounds for the home, pool boy... ummm...hee hee... I don't know.... I think that Jeff (the Jim Cramer-loving hubby) would make me use it wisely and invest in index funds and other crap tht I tend to tune out unless he says: "We made $ today!"
Now I will tag....STEPH (in order to get her to start her blog again... all she needs is a little guilt to motivate her)
& JENNY from Boise because she makes me laugh
& SOLTANA because she is FOXY
& KERI because she never does these things...and is the best cousin ever!
That is quite the day Jill. Whew... and I thought I had it tough!
Does the house smell from the burning plastic? I hate that smell.
I'll accept your tag and fill it out on tomorrow's blog.
PS: I want to be FOXY like Soltana too..
LOL..too funny:) You are one busy chick:)
I'll work on my tag tonight.. once the kiddos are in bed.
I'm glad your dad is feeling better.
Hope Alli feels better. Cerah and I just got over our tiny spots. Poor thing.I'll be thinking of her.
Hugs to cutie guy..
I want a pool boy too...oh wait first I need a pool:)
Can I just say how thankful I am to have a precious friend like you?
How amazing you are to support me (us) and link up our site?
You are the best-I love you girl and I am so thankful for you and for what a gift you are to me:):)
thanks from the bottom of my heart:):)
Hey Jill.
We just got in from Vacation last night....Here is my home email address...lets chat!
Blessings,Leslie in ohio!
Duh here is my email address its wadi2u@yahoo.com
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