Monday, November 10, 2008

Trauma, Life with the Leskos

EDIT: Alli's arm is NOT BROKEN...YEAH! Oh, and I am all decorated for Thanksgiving! Whoops...

Seriously, what a week it has been here. I keep asking if life gets easier, but then I realize how much harder others have it, and I try to shut up! lol! Then I continue to complain... lol.

My father is doing better. He got out of the hospital on Saturday. What started out as a small irritation from what he thought was from the staples, then steri-strips turned into a full-blown infection. He was discharged with iv antibiotics which he will need twice a day through a pic line until mid-December. He is not very happy about that, but he is thankful he is out of the hospital. If you don't mind keeping him on your prayer lists a bit longer, that would be great! We need to see him doing the twist again, soon!

Mario has been sick since Halloween with a cold that just won't let up. His poor runny nose has now turned into a raw mess which we are putting antibiotic ointment on. Poor guy seems to get every blessed cold. We hope that today is the final day of it. It certainly has not changed his energy level... he is still tormenting the dog, trying to mow him with the play mower, cover him with the clothes basket and sit on him. Oh, joy! Poor Murry... as soon as I lift Mo out of the crib in the morning, he says, "Maaaasssss!" meaning "Murrs!" Poor, Poor Doggie!

Last, but certainly not least, Alli went ice skating this weekend with friends. She was racing a boy on the hockey team (my girl will NOT be out done!) and let's just say, HE knew how to stop. She crashed into the wall with her arm. We waited to see if it would get better, but ended up getting x-rays this morning. The doctor says she has a severe hematoma, and she will have to be in a sling for a few weeks. We will see what the x-rays show. I took her this morning, and she kept telling me to hurry up, so she could get back to school... whhhaaaat??????? What kids WANTS to go back to school? weird child!

Jeff and I are fine. tired, weary, but fine. We got so much done this weekend, surprisingly. We gave our couch and love seat to a friend's daughter who is in college and moving to her own apartment. We took my parents' couch and love seat since they are getting a new set. Ours was easy to move out. It is small and not too heavy. We had quite a time of it moving my parent's stuff though. It is MUCH larger and heavier. We got the couch stuck in their door and had to have their neighbor to come and help Jeff get it out... then we got it over to our house and could not get it through our sliding glass doors... our front door is wider, but we have the staircase railing right inside the door and a small stoop and 3 steps up to the door, not conducive to moving a couch in...buuuut, the front door was our only option....we got it stuck in OUR FRONT DOOR. At that point, we were hoping that some person would drive by and feel pity on us and stop to help us... no such luck. By this time, it was dark, starting to sprinkle and our language was getting a bit more "sailory." Thank goodness for neighbors, because we asked ours to come and help.

It all looks great, and now we have a story to go along with the furniture... and some pulled muscles where neither of us knew we HAD muscles. We are happy to have everything done, all decorated for Halloween, the patio furniture put away, AC and grill covered... wow, this is the earliest that we have been ready for the snow!

I will "edit" once the x-rays come back on Alli.. pray for NO BROKEN ARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

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Mandy said...

Jill! You certainly have been busy, holy cow. I am sorry to hear that Mo is still sick. I will keep my fingers crossed that Ali doesnt have a broken arm, but give her a high five from me for taking on a hockey skater. Your girl is kick ass! :-) I have my own stories of taking on the guys but those are for another time. LOL. How funny about your furniture, I am glad that its all in and you are ready for winter, even tho I am keeping my fingers crossed for a mild one. :-)

Madelyn's Mommy said...

Are you "all decorated for Halloween"? LOL

Remind me to never mess with Ali!

I will say a prayer for your Dad and Alli.

Hope the rest of the week is less dramatic. :)


Tricia said...

Just checking on you and your dad. I am so glad he is OUT of the hospital.

And please let us all know about Alli's arm!! Praying for you all...

And will have a glass of wine in your honor tonight, too! :)

Anonymous said...

Sound like there's never a dull moment at your house! lol
I'm glad Alli's arm is okay and your Dad is better!

The Frugal Countess said...

Jill, you deserve a BREAK today! And someone better than McDonald's - maybe like a Club Med?

I'm glad to hear your Dad is doing better and Alli baby's arm is not broken. But BOY you cannot have anything easy lately. (((((HUGS)))

And the couch sounds like the icing on the cake of carnage. Glad you got it in!!! xoxoxoxo

Trina G. said...

I'm cracking up imagining you moving the furniture. We just moved a heavy huge antique couch and it was hell. Mom kept yelling "PIVOT, PIVOT" (from a Friends episode) and my knees would go weak from laughing.

Way to go Alli keeping up with the boys. I hope that Mo is feeling better.

Also glad that your Daddy is home now.

Hugs Jilli!

Beck said...

Jill you poor thing! What a horrible week you had! Hope things are getting better (: As for me, still sick, but almost better...YAY! Have a great week!

Rose said...

I am glad all is well with allie's arm. Sophia broke hers Thursday. iwonder if I will evr get sleep around here!! i have lost my voice and evry one keeps asking me if I have a cold. i am just tired!

Ruthanne said...

Yay! on no broken arm. Boo on little man still being sick.
I have a couch like that! I had to hire a company to take it apart, bring it in to my condo and put it back together!!!

Steve & Amy said...

Poor Alli & Mo! I'm glad that Alli's arm isn't broken though! Praying that your kiddos recover soon! I wish you had video of the furniture moving escapade! I'm sure it would have won you $10,000 on America's funniest videos:)Glad to hear you Dad is doing well!