Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Catch Up Post

Life is just rolling by, and as many bloggers write: We are just too busy living to blog! This will be a catch up post of the past 2 weeks.

Allison has been participating in a softball skills clinic the past few weekends which the final day will be this coming Sunday. She likes softball, and the clinic was a good way to get her back into the swing of things (pun intended). She will start practice this weekend provided we don't get anymore snow... yes, folks, there WAS snow yesterday...yet, today it is a light jacket day. Only in PA!

Allison had a GREAT part in her school's play. Like last year (click HERE), the school custodian and his wife wrote and directed an original play for the kids. They have been such a wonderful part of Alli's life the past two years, and Alli will surely miss working with them. The play this year was about 2 witches, one sticky sweet/one horrible who accidentally get a spell put on them and they switch personalities. It was called sWITCHed, cleaver, eh? Alli played the sweet witch, then she switched to the mean one... she was mean the majority of the play... and VERY funny. It was really cute to see her playing so rude. She loved being able to be so mean on purpose!

They have 3 performances: one during the day for the students, one Thursday Night and one Friday Night. Jeff's folks, like last year, came to the afternoon performance. Jeff "skipped" a bit of work to join them. She was so excited to have them in the balcony for the performance. They also took time to spend with Mario here before for his birthday, and after to celebrate Alli's play. It is always nice to see Jeff's parents who are so generous with their time for our kids! We had lunch together and cupcakes!

Mario loved having yet another birthday - and cupcakes!
He also liked getting Grandma (Ga Ga) and Grandpa (PaPa) Lesko to do anything he wanted...like push this bike back and forth 200 times by yelling GO! at the top of his lungs!

Look how happy he is! GO!
Grandma just can't get enough kisses from Mario!
even when they are "fishy" kisses! Pucker up!
Along with the outfit they sent him in the mail, they brought down this "play station" for Mario... it was a bit drizzly, but that didn't stop him from sliding and sliding...HE LOVES IT!
"come on Pa Pa, AGAIN!"
"Daddy, head first, please!"

Here is the set of Allison's play... pretty cool!
Grandma and Grandpa were glad to see Alli after the play!
Thursday, I took Alli down to take some pictures. Jeff drove down with Mario for a bit, but figured that Mario would only make it until about 8pm before he started to get tired... and well, LOUD... so they left after intermission. I am not going to post pics of other kids without parents permission, so here are a few of Alli...
Alli getting her hair and make up done to look "sweet"
like her character at the beginning ~ Rose. There is a weird glare on this pic, but you get the idea...
And Alli had surprise guests to watch Thursday night...Uncle Jack, Aunt Vicki, Zach, Josh and Riley. Allison was SO happy to see them. I was to give a little shout out to Jack, whose b-day is the 3rd...Zach, Josh and Riley for getting trophies at their Tae Kwon Do tournament this past weekend! WAY TO GO!
Here you will see Alli at the end of the play, with her "not so nice" hair and make up!
Friday, I went back for the play, and Alli had other special guests, Nanny & Pappy (my mom and dad) and Aunt Joyce (my dad's sister)! She loved having adoring fans each performance. It just meant so much! She got flowers which I mixed together to do my best to make arrangements out of. She was so happy to have them reminding her of the love all week!
It was a great week, but I have to admit, and busy few months...she was glad to rest before softball officially starts! We are looking forward to a very low key couple of weeks with the upcoming spring break! Now if only the weather would cooperate....

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Tricia said...

Wow! You guys have been busy, girl! :) When did Alli start playing softball? Victoria is almost 6 and REALLY wants to play - we bought her first glove a few weeks ago & she was drafted to play on the "Braves" team. Those girls are so little!

Okay. Yuuuuummmm - cupcakes!!!

The pics of the kiddos are precious! Alli is such a BEAUTY and you are going to have to chase the line of girls away from Mario, I'm telling you!

Mandy said...

Miss your posts Jill! The kids are as adorable as ever. I am so glad that Alli is involved in theater at school! Its an incredibly feeling and just so much fun. The weather has been playing havoc with us here in OH too. Its just not cool anymore! Oh well, its April which means Spring has to come soon, right? We need to pick a day/time to meet at the track sometime!!

Hilary said...

Sounds like life is busy for you!! Great pictures!! Your kiddos are such cuties! Have a great week..hopefully you get to relax somewhere in there :)

Tracey said...

Alli is gorgeous, just like her mom!! And Mo is so handsome!! I love your family:)

Jenelle said...

The play sounds really cute! I bet you're glad it's all over though. Play practice can take over! Awesome birthday pictures! It sounds like he got quite a haul. :)

Rose said...

that is really cool that you have an actress in the family! My kids are very shy! Beautiful flowers and cute little cupcake for the cutie lil boy!

Trina G. said...

Alli is adorable and Mo is just perfection. Is he ever NOT happy? Hugs