Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Saturday

I guess better late than never is my theme for blogging lately, huh? Well, you all check in for pictures, so I will get right to it....

Easter Saturday, our dear friend Cherrie & her kids came and surprised mine by hiding Easter eggs in our back yard. Boy, was Mario excited! To be honest, Allison was equally excited. They ran around and found all of the eggs... and Alli opened them to see what was in them. That was just the nicest surprise!

Allison would want me to point out that she is dressed for softball practice!
Once they found the eggs, these awesome Easter Baskets were waiting for them!
And this VERY cool digger, which makes noises... Mario LOVES it!

I will post more Easter pics this week. Jeff and Alli had the entire week off, so I was busy. I made all of their appointments for the week off as to avoid it in the summer. The dog even went to the vet! Allison did her two trainings for her volunteer work at the hospital and nursing home. She starts next Monday and is so excited. She tries out for the Freshman cheer squad this Saturday, so check back to see if she made it. She is so nervous, and to be honest, Jeff and I are nervous for her. There are only 11 spots for that squad and MANY more trying out. If you think of it, say a little pray for my girl. I know that she really wants this. :-)

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Madelyn's Mommy said...

I love Mo in his little baseball cap! Such a cutie.

Good luck to Alli!

Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

Good luck to Allison!!!

Mo looks so cute looking for eggs!

Jenny said...

OH... Ali is a girl after my own heart... volunteering at the nursing home! Tell her she's my hero. I hope she gets hooked up with a great one.

Remind Ali that old people have great stories to tell... even if they do tell the same one over and over! Believe me... I've heard plenty over the last 15 years as a Gerontologist!

Love the pictures. Mario is darling.

Miss you and will write via facebook or something soon.
