Friday, April 24, 2009

Favorite Foto (s) Friday

I went a bit off topic considering the FFF theme this week is supposed to be "ME"...don't we all hate photos of ourselves. I thought that you would let me slide this week with these CUTE photos of my little man, Mo! He is a sweet, loud, lovable little man who is in constant motion. I squeeze him and kiss his face off daily. Go see MORE FFFs at SARAH'S BLOG.

*on a side note: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE indulge me and say a BIG BIG BIG prayer for my girl tomorrow morning (around 10-noon). Alli is trying out for the Freshman cheerleading squad...and is trying for CAPTAIN/Co-Capt, too. She has been working and working on the dance/cheer/chant/jumps/splits/tumbling/facials... well, you get the idea! I am proud of her already, and she will be fine if she doesn't make it, but she REEEEEEEEEALLLY really wants to. I will post tomorrow afternoon either way. Pray that if she doesn't make it, that her heart will heal quickly. Frivolous prayer request? Yep. But, don't we all want our kids to be happy? :-) Thanks, friends & family.

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Mandy said...

Your little man is adorable! Sending lots of postive thoughts for Alli tomorrow and keeping my fingers crossed.....

Becca said...

He is adorable! We are so blessed, aren't we?? Praying for Alli!

Peace and Hugs,

Melinda said...

He is so animated!! Love all his expressions! Wishing Alli the best for tomorrow!


Laurie said...

He is just tooo cute! I'll send good vibes Alii's way tomorrow while we are at gymnastics! I'm sure she will do great! Let us know!

The Flores Family(Maria, Jose and Jose Luis) said...

You son is very handsome, great pictures

Melinda said...

Thanks for the super sweet comments on my blog!! I really enjoy the creative outlet and hope one day Crista will like looking back on her childhood through the photos and stories! To answer your question, I edit my photos in Photoshop CS4 and that's how I got those polariod pics and added the wording too. Photoshop was an extravagant gift from my hubby. But oh do I love him for it!!

Zionsville isn't too far from where we are. We're about 45 min east of Castleton. Next time you're visiting, let me know. I'd love to take some photos of your children. I'm ALWAYS looking for beautiful (handsome) new models!

Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks again for commenting!


Vanessa said...

You have one adorbale little man!! I hope your daughter gets captain tomorrow!!