Friday, May 1, 2009

Favorite Foto (s) Friday

Allison had to make a bench in her 9 weeks Tech. Ed. class. She loves the class and likes using all of the machines. She daily comes home with an "I almost chopped my finger off" story though. Kids! My friend teaches the class, and seriously, that must be the most frightening thing to teach. When I taught the scariest thing was a paper cut! :-)

She was able to decorate the bench however she chose... and she chose to make it for her little brother...Mario Patrick...born on St. Patrick's SWEET!

He uses it every morning and night to brush his teeth at the sink...with his "Bob Bob" it wrong that he loves Spongebob?

Isn't the clover the cutest...I just about cried when I saw what she chose...until I saw the engraving inside... then I REALLY cried....
I just love that girl. :-)

Want to see more Favorite Foto Friday Pictures? Visit SARAH's BLOG.

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Mandy said...

How sweet is that. It will be something he will have to treasure for the rest of his life. What a special gift!

Melinda said...

Mario has the best big sister ever!! That is so sweet! I know that makes your Mama heart proud!


Lund7 said...

That bench is so cute and how thoughtful of her to make that for her little brother! My kids make great projects in their Tech Ed classes too!

Peter LOVES Spongebob too! When he says it, it sounds like that what Mario says also?

Laurie said...

How sweet! I LOVED that class too.

Tracey said...

Awww! Sometimes I wish Kade were much older than A, maybe then he would love her?