Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Please help.

This is my friend, Trina. This is the face of a survivor.

Saying that Trina is going through a rough time is the understatement of the year. Trina has a son, Asa. He is 4 and a half and beautiful. She has a loving husband, Josh. They decided to expand their family, and Trina got pregnant ... then sadly, miscarried. Not discouraged, the ever-upbeat girl decided to try again....and they found out they were expecting again! She was thrilled, but cautious. When pain started in her shoulder, she went directly to the doctor. When brushed off, she persisted only to find out the worst news of her life. After 16 and a half years of being cancer-free she found out that she has cancer again....

in her breast....

in her liver...

Yesterday, the day after Mother's Day, Trina had to terminate her pregnancy. Today, she will endure many tests to see how far the cancer has spread. There is no time for mourning her child. She has to start chemotherapy tomorrow.

These are all things that I cannot, and frankly, don't want to imagine. Trina has been good to me. She is a friend who listens... who is sweet and kind. She will fight this.

I am hoping that any of the readers out there will please visit the following blog:

Here you will find a GREAT raffle with opportunities to win great prizes.

More importantly you will find the story of a fighter.

I hope you will donate... either monetarily or through prayer... or buy putting a "Pray for Trina" button on your blog... or donate your facebook status. I hope you will be moved to do something to help.

We have hope. We have faith. We KNOW that Trina will stand up to cancer and FIGHT, but we also know that things are tough, and they could use a hand up.

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Annie and Greg said...

Trina and her family are definitely in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry! I will go to the blog now.

Trina G. said...

Thank you Jilli, you are such a dear friend to me. I got your card in the mail today and it made me smile. I have had a really hard after noon and night but am hoping that after a restful night, I'll be ready for tomorrow. I love you and thank you for your support and love :)