Saturday, October 11, 2008

Date Update #4 & G'fest Shout Out!

Hi, All! Thanks for checking back on my dad and for all of the well-wishes! I do believe that your good thoughts and prayers have certainly helped with my father's steady progress. He is doing quite well! He is managing the pain, although it is much worse with this hip than with the previous surgery. Now that the sheets have been changed to "bleach-free," my dad is "itchy-free." He is ready to be home, which is always a good sign. Please continue to pray for his healing. It has been a long road of pain for him, and it will be so great to see him walking without agony.

*Thanks to my Aunt Joyce (my dad's sister) who sat with my mom at the hospital, stayed overnight at the house and took her back in the morning. I REALLY appreciate it, and I know my mom does, too!

*My Aunt Sandy (my mom's sister) & Gummie (my mom's mom) who drove ALL of the way from Maryland to come stay with mom this weekend. The company and help are wonderful. The kids LOVE seeing you both, too!

Now for you G'fest Party girls! You HAVE to be taking LOTS of pictures and hugging each other extra for me. It is so sad for me not to be there with you all celebrating. I so wish that I could. Start posting those great photos when you can and tell us all every detail. Thanks to all who put this together... I hope to be there next year!

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Mandy said...

Glad that your dad is doing better and again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you all know what today is Jill's birthday...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jill!!!! Lot of birthday hugs going your way!!!

Tricia said...

I am praying for your dad's continued healing and I am partying for YOU, girl!! :) Still here and I'm posting MORE pics JUST FOR YOU!

I have zero time for comments & details but I figure you just want some pics and STAT!!

Love you girl!