Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Semi-Wordless Wednesday

All of these pictures were taken at the pumpkin patch on Sunday. I will post the rest of the pictures soon!
* If you could, keep my dad and mom in your thoughts/prayers. My dad is having his other hip replaced tomorrow. I will be updating for the family on here for the next few days! Thanks, All!
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Mandy said...

I LOVE these pics, makes me realize how much I truly love fall.

Sending good thoughts for your dad tomorrow!

Cheri said...

Isn't Fall absolutely the best!!!

Amy said...

Praying for your dad.

Love the pics...Fall is the best!

MICHELLE said...

Fall is my favorite, I live in Florida now so I love to see pictures like these. Your parents will be in my prayers.

Laurie said...

WOW those are yummy! Saying a prayer for your family!

Cherrie said...

Man, I need to make a trip to Pajer's and get me some apples!!

The new camera is taking beautiful pictures!

Where is my little Punkin...Did you leave him in the patch???

Prayers tomorrow for the R-L family. If you need anything, just call!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

What great pictures!!!

Prayers for your Dad going his way!

Trina G. said...

LOVE the pictures. I can almost smell it.